What is the Winter Sowing Method?
Have you heard the buzz about winter sowing? Are you curious and want to learn more!?
Click here to read the comprehensive guide to getting started with winter sowing today!
If you're already sold and are ready to plant, try these Top 10 No-Fail Seeds today. You will not be disappointed!
#1. Nigella (Organic, Non-GMO flowers)
These beautiful flowers from High Mowing Organics are absolute compliment-fetchers! Not only are the flowers beautiful and so easy to grow with winter sowing. The unique flower pods make great ornamental displays and add a ton of interest to any bouquet.
I grow this flower for my vases and in my cut garden. They are pollinator magnets and add a great fill to any flower pot or garden!

Ferry Morse is well-known for their huge selection of delicious vegetables, herbs, fruits, and especially their flowers! This is one of my favorite varieties to winter sow because it always grows so well!
Ferry Morse is very generous with their coupon codes, free shipping, and loyal shopper discounts. If you're not on their catalogue list yet, I suggest you sign up today! Spend a few minutes on their website and you'll see why I'm such a loyal fan.
#3. Sweet Basil (Organic, Non-GMO)

I buy this basil every year. It's a sure bet that if I winter sow this organic variety from Ferry Morse this year, I will have plenty of delicious basil for stir fry and pesto come summertime.
It's no wonder it has so many 5-Star reviews on Ferry Morse! Don't forget to take advantage of their discount coupons and their sale seeds.
#4. Any Penstemon Variety
I live in the high desert of the western United States. Penstemons are a common native flower that grow very well in our climate. They are sun-loving, drought tolerant, colorful, and absolute pollinator magnets!
Here are my favorite varieties of penstemons. Each year, I harvest my seeds and grow more using the winter sowing method. Winter sowing is (hands down) the best method for growing penstemons!
Zinnias are a beautiful, colorful addition to any garden, and I love to grow them in my veggie patch! Read here why I always plant flowers along with my vegetable garden. These zinnias from High Mowing Gardens are a slam dunk if you're looking for flowers to winter sow. They are resilient to temperature swings and produce stunning blooms all summer after being winter sown. 10/10 in my book!
Shop more seed varieties for winter sowing! Click images below.
Have you tried the winter sowing method of gardening? Please send photos and share results on Instagram @planterboxgarden