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TED Talk: Minding Your Mitochondria by Dr. Terry Wahls

In 17 minutes, my whole life changed.

You see, for years I've heard that I should eat my vegetables, exercise, drink lots of water, avoid processed foods, and make healthy choices. I've tried yoga, cardio, eating right, drinking lots of water, meditation, and more.

But with so much conflicting information (not to mention the shear volume of ideas out there), I always struggled to put it all together in my mind.

That is, until I learned about Dr. Terry Wahls.

While waiting for answers related to a serious brain injury, a doctor sent me for scans to ensure that I didn't have MS. My symptoms (dizziness, brain fog, spinning vision) were not consistent with a concussion, they said, but could indicate demylination. Like many of us, I was unfamiliar with autoimmune disorders like MS.

I had never actually known anyone with MS except one person in college who, as far as I could tell, wasn't that affected by it. How was it that she was healthy, mobile, and energetic when I've learned that so many others don't have the same results? I started to learn about MS the same way taht many of us learn these days - on the internet. There is a whole world about MS available online, and I launched head-first into learning more.

One thing that I learned was this: because MS affects the myelin sheath that lines parts of our central nervous system, it's difficult to know exactly how MS will affect each person. I heard one person say in an interview, "If you know one person with MS, you know one person with MS."

Although there were many MS diagnosis stories available, none changed my life the way Dr. Terry Wahls' Ted Talk, Minding Your Mitochondria, did.

Watch it here and see what I mean:

She had me very intrigued. Here was a woman whose mobility was nearly taken, whose quality of life totally altered, and whose career was on the brink of ending due to her symptoms.

And now she stood, singing from this Ted Talk stage about the miracle-performing, life-giving power of vegetables. I immediate got a copy of her life-changing book, The Wahls Protocol.

I'd love to know what you think, so join the conversation now! If you've watched Minding Your Mitochondria or read Dr. Wahls' book, tell me what you think by commenting below, or my tagging me on Instagram @planterboxgarden.

Have you ever met someone whose diet totally transformed their health?

Do you believe that vegetables have the power to cure?

What do you make of her shifting from traditional medicine to functional medicine, as a doctor?


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